Break is over…

I’m sorry about the incredibly long break. I’ll try to get the blog going again, step by step, and I’ll probably continue to write in both Norwegian and English, depending on the story…

I can start by telling you that I’m jumping on the bicycle sharing-trend that’s been spreading around the world the last couple of years, and which is growing fast as we speak. What city doesn’t want to be more livable and look sustainable these days? A “short-cut” to the top might seem to be by starting a bicycle sharing program. Many cities in Europe has one, including Oslo, and now cities even in the United States are getting their eyes on the new mode of transport.

Hopefully this isn’t just a passing trend, but one that will continue growing, and change the way we think of urban mobility.

Here’s an introduction about Velíb, the gigantic French system which made great success in no time. In Paris suddenly everyone bikes… dashingly helmetless.

Picture found here

Copenhagen’s new Bike Sharing System!


Copenhagen is about to get a new Bike Sharing system (finally), and of course the ambitions where high for the new system that will brand the world’s leading bicycle city. Therefore they set out an international competition to get the most modern and intelligent system. And it looks like they’ve got it. Yesterday the winners were announced, and here are the two first prices. I must admit OPENbike looks most appealing in my eyes, but as long as they’re more comfortable than the existing ones, we should be happy…. Read more of this post